Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Mission Accomplished!

After some deliberation, the band bravely decided to press on rather than risk the lives of the remaining hostages. Further exploration of the complex revealed a chamber containing a fountain. Ben was able to decipher various runes inscribed on the fountain and identified it as a "Fountain of Renewal". Everyone imbibed the invigorating water of the fountain which magically replenished their energy reserves.

With renewed determination the group pressed on in a search for the two missing captives. The next room they entered was a foreboding Chapel. A dark obelisk dominated the room which seemed to absorb the any light sources within. Before the band had chance to examine the room further they were set upon by a pair of wererats and a gnomish mage. The party quickly set about the wererats, and soon turned their attention to the troublesome mage. Quickly realizing he was overmatched the evil gnome tried to make good his escape but a well struck sword thrust by Grogar was sufficient to put an end to his plans. A search of the area revealed a sack containing several relics from a famous battle - "The Battle of Brindol". Furthermore, the party was able to take the gnome's ritual book from him.

Continuing the search for the remaining hostages, they cautiously advanced down a passageway into a room containing several strange menhirs. Their examination of these strange objects was interrupted when a huge hobgoblin donned in plate armour and wielding a heavy spiked chain burst in to the room. There could be no mistake - the party had found Sinruth leader of the Bloodreavers. Having some "unfinished business" with the Bloodreavers Garig was quick to challenge the ferocious monster. The two warriors stood toe to toe in a fight to the death. Twice Sinruth was able to trip Garig with the chain, however Garig was able to roll away at the last second from the fierce stomping Sinruth followed up with. Grogar also joined the battle, but Garig was clearly the focus of the Hobgoblin's rage. Nalklyr used the creature's fixation on Garig to launch a number of devastatingly precise strikes and Quick Ben managed to distract the beast with a series of mental assaults. Unable to withstand the barrage of attacks from all sides Sinruth was cut down and fell to the stone floor with a mighty crash. A search of his corpse revealed a letter from a mysterious party referring to themselves as the "Emissary". Perhaps there was some higher power directing Sinruth and the Bloodreavers. The group then went on to search Sinruth's quarters. Within they found a sarcophagus, inside of which was a magical crossbow and staff, which Nalklyr and Ben quickly seized.

Having explored all of the lower floor of the catacombs the party headed back to the entrance chamber as there were two passageways leading off from here which they had not yet explored. The first lead to a large, foul smelling chamber dotted with several patches of strange mushrooms. Ben and Garig went off to make a closer examination of this strange flora, however at that moment two massive rage drakes appeared from behind a group of boulders on the far side of the room. One engaged Grogar, the other charged for Garig and Ben. Garig reacted quickly bashing the monster squarely with his shield dazing it for just long enough for the pair to regroup with the rest of the party. Ben followed up with a spell which covered the floor with treacherous ice, causing the huge beast to crash on the floor. Whilst the drake flayed on the floor the party was able to focus it's efforts on the other Drake. Nalklyr engulfed the flailing drake in Darkfire and shot a bolt the the humongous lizards eye, which seemed to enrage the Drake further. Grogar had been badly injured by a vicious bite and had to retreat to the stairs, this left Garig to face both beasts on his own. Positioning himself to ensure he made best use of his shield he set himself for the charge of the second drake at his rear whilst the second snapped wildly at his front. The beast charged, but Garig was ready. Dodging the drakes attacks he wheeled around felling the first drake with a mighty blow and reversed his sword in one fluid action skewering the second beast behind him. The rest of the party stood speechless in awe of the warriors martial prowess.

The group went on to investigate the adjoining chamber which contained Lord Padraig. Unfortunately he was trapped with some kind of magical forcefield. After, unsuccessfully trying to fathom the working of the field, Valthurn the Sage noticed a subtle pattern that the field would blink out of existence after a set period. Anticipating the blink Valthurn swiftly pulled Lord Pedraig out of the magic circle, before it reactivated. Now there was but one prisoner to locate - Thair Coalstriker, Winterhaven's Dwarven smithy.

They headed back to the entrance chamber and descended the last remaining stairs. This brought them to a room which they ascertained to be the Von Jallach Crypt. A strange matrix of symbols glowed eerily on the floor. Valthurn explained the runes where in an ancient phonetic alphabet and spelled out the words "Von Jallach". Garig edged around the room carefully avoiding the glowing glyphs. However, he didn't notice skulking in the shadows behind him was a gnome. The gnome swung it's war pick peircing Garigs plate and inflicting a grievous wound. Before he had time to react, the situation became even more dire when two swarms of needlefang drakes began pouring into the room. Garig was overcome by the ravenous creatures which pulled him down tearing at his flesh. The second swarm headed for Ben, who attempted to avoid them by stepping on to the glowing runes. Unfortunately, this triggered a bolt of electricity which engulfed the Thayan mage. Nalklyr gained retribution on the gnomish backstabber, firing a deadly bolt which hit the gnome straight between the eyes killing it instantly. Lord Padraig, entered the fray helping keep one of the swarms at bay whilst Grogar desperately attempted to revive Garig. Quick Ben singlehandly blasting the other swarm back conjuring wave after wave of deafening thunder. With practically all their resources used and Garig hovering on the brink of consciousness the battle was finally at an end.

Wasting no time the party headed to the room adjoining the crypt and were relieved to find Thair Coalstriker the last of the captives. Although he had been singled out for some particularly brutal treatment from his captors the dwarf was able to walk and a swig on Garigs waterskin was sufficient to lift his spirits considerably.

With all of the captives free the party decided their next course should be to return the historical relics which the Bloodreavers had stolen from Brindol, back to the village. But first a long overdue rest was due, the party practically collapsed physically exhausted but spiritually elated that they had completed such a brave and dangerous rescue mission.

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